Here’s how I use Government websites to create world class high quality content, which in turn attracts high quality backlinks and in turn boosts SEO traffic and revenue.
This applies to the National Government, Provincial/ State Government, and your Local Government websites. They can all actually be useful.
⏩ #1. Find a topic that’s relevant to you
Find a topic you want to write about, what’s relevant to you?
Cast a wide net.
There’s so many different topics you can create content for. I’ve worked with some of the biggest car brands in the world and used this exact process.
So as an example lets say I run a website that has everything to do with cars.
⏩ #2. Find a statistics website and shortlist content ideas
For example, the provincial government of BC provide a lot of datasets. Analyze the data, from what I can see I’ve shortlisted some angles that I can create content for:
- 🚗 Number of cars on the road registered before 1920
- 🚗 Number of cars on the road more than 50 years old
- 🚗 10 Most popular body styles
- 🚗 10 Most popular car models or a graph of how this has changed over the last X years).
- 🚗 10 Most popular makes right now or graph of how this has changed over the last X years).
- 🚗 Most dangerous roads in Vancouver for vehicle accidents
- 🚗 Most dangerous roads in Vancouver for cyclists
- 🚗 The worst selling car model last year
- 🚗 The best selling car model last year
All of the above information is available online – the content options are literally endless.
⏩ #3. Create world class content
I’ve said this a lot, you always need to make world class content.
Create a blog post, infographic nice looking graphs and assets based on the data you pulled. To make the data even more relevant, I would include data for surrounding areas such as Richmond, Surrey, Burnaby, West Vancouver etc.
⏩ #4 Find local journalists and pitch to them
✅ Shortlist local media outlets.
❌ Don’t just email their contact us page.
Use the following site operator in Google Search and find journalists that have talked about your topic in the past, for example.
This Operator: “new cars”
All of the results you see will have journalists that write about this topic. Reach out them!
🔊 Pitch your headline to them.
Once you’ve done that, then find the next publication and do the same.