Simple Internal Linking Tips

Harpreet Singh

Here’s how you can squeeze that little bit extra out of your website.

Internal linking is going to be your friend.

#1 Find Relevant Links

You need to find and build contextual internal links. One of the easiest ways to do this is by going to Google Search Console.

Click on Performance, then click on Full Report.

Click on Query and then filter with your target keyword.

You’ll now find a lit of URLs that show impressions for said keyword.

Link to and from those pages.

#2 Find Relevant Links Part 2

Don’t underestimate the power of Google Search itself.

Use the following – “keyword” operator.

You’ll be presented with a list of your own pages containing the specified keyword.

This method is incredibly effective for pinpointing relevant pages worth linking internally, ensuring content relevancy and enhancing user experience.

#3 Run a Crawl with Screaming Frog

For those looking to dig a little deeper, Screaming Frog offers an excellent opportunity to discover new linking opportunities.

You’ll now see every page that links to your target page.

This step is crucial not only for finding new internal linking opportunities but also for maintaining SEO hygiene by fixing any 301 or 404 links.

#4 Use Optimized Anchor Texts

Don’t use anchors like click here, or other generic stuff.

<ore relevant anchors significantly bolsters your SEO efforts.

If your page discusses “orange cake,” ensure your anchor text reflects this, such as [bake an orange cake]. This relevance between anchor text and target page content is a cornerstone of effective SEO… and if you’re stuck, ask ChatGPT to help.

#5 Navigation and Footer Optimization

Your website’s navigation and footer are two of the most important sections of your website.

Ensure that your navigation is intuitive and uses keyword-rich anchor text to link to important sections. Similarly, the footer, present on every page, should highlight your most crucial pages, including specific articles or sections you wish to rank higher.

#6 Use Breadcrumbs and Modules for Enhanced UX and SEO

Breadcrumbs are essential, especially for eCommerce sites. The provide both users and search engines with a clear site hierarchy.

Implementing modules like Related Content or Most Read can automate internal linking – especially for big sites.

Think of ways you can include modules that will link to new or relevant pages. NYTimes & big name eCommerce stores do this really well!

Achieve Internal Linking Success

Success in internal linking boils down to a few key practices: linking to topically relevant pages with keyword-rich anchors, avoiding broken links, and optimising your site’s navigation and footer. Incorporating breadcrumbs and modules can further streamline this process, ensuring a robust internal linking structure that drives organic growth.

Of course, there’s more things you can do – but this is a start.

Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to improving your websites SEO!

About the author

SEO focused digital marketer with over a decade of experience driving organic growth. Successfully implemented SEO strategies for some of the world’s most loved enterprise brands across automotive, ecommerce, FMCG, retail, finance, and B2B technology industries.

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